Logistics Planning
Material Flow Automation and Optimization in Fashion Logistics
The family-owned company produces and sells high-quality women's clothing. With its multiple brands, the company is active in more than 38 countries and supplies around 2,700 retail partners as well as around 500 shop-in-shops, soft stores and own stores.
Since 2015, the company has been operating its own logistics center in the south of Lower Saxony for handling hanging and flat-packed goods. Originally, the logistics center was equipped with a free-standing 2-storey platform system, a hanging goods warehouse and outgoing goods conveyor technology.
Targeted automation and intelligent control of material flows and inventories were to be used to realign the logistics center towards trend-setting fashion warehousing.
This project’s focus has been on ensuring a very high level of availability of goods and efficient staff deployment, while at the same time adhering to the specified investment framework and meeting rhe requirement of implementing during ongoing operations.
As part of the conceptual phase, various concept alternatives with different automation scenarios were created and evaluated in terms of cost-effectiveness and qualitative criteria.
These resulted in the following technologies for optimizing the existing processes:
- Introduction of a high-performance warehouse management system (WMS)
- Automation of the incoming goods process
- Connection of automated sorting of outgoing goods to the packaging
- Connection of the platform floors
During the tendering phase, Metroplan has taken responsibility for the entire process, from the preparation of the tender documents to the careful evaluation of the bids received and the derivation of a well-founded award recommendation for material flow technology and WMS. In addition, Metroplan moderated the negotiations and provided support in the final clarification of the contractual details with the selected manufacturer. During implementation, the entire project of implementing material flow technology in WMS was accompanied and successfully transferred to live operation.
Während der Ausschreibungsphase verantwortete Metroplan den gesamten Prozess von der Erstellung der Ausschreibungsdokumente über die sorgfältige Auswertung der eingegangenen Angebote bis hin zur Ableitung einer fundierten Vergabeempfehlung für Materialflusstechnik und WMS. Darüber hinaus moderierte Metroplan die Verhandlungsgespräche und unterstützte bei der finalen Klärung der vertraglichen Details mit dem ausgewählten Hersteller. During implementation, the entire material flow technology and WMS implementation project was supported and successfully transferred to live operation.
Fashion (E-)Commerce
Holistic Logistics Optimization incl. Technical and IT Trades
18.000 m² Floor Area