Master Planning for your Strategic Site Alignment

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Together, we will develop your site strategically

If you have identified a discrepancy between the conditions at your production site and your development strategy, master planning is the ideal starting point. The realization of your strategic goals may be affected by a number of different circumstances. 

  • Insufficient space available
  • Limitations due to fixed points and restrictions
  • Inefficient material flows due to heterogeneous plant structure
  • Dilapidated building structures with an ending life cycle and high ancillary costs
  • ...

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Multiple stakeholders with different future requirements 

To make matters worse, the circumstances often occur in combination and are mutually dependent, thereby increasing the complexity of strategic planning. In addition, the future scenario must fulfil the requirements of all users located at the site. 

The inherent complexity of this situation inevitably gives rise to conflicts of interest. It is therefore essential to identify the most appropriate compromises in the spirit of the "Big Picture". It is essential to adopt a goal-oriented approach to moderation during this initial planning phase. This will help to align the various perspectives and maintain focus on the key objectives. The role of the factory in the production network, strategic decisions on core competences, technological changes and other key issues are discussed and defined together in a collaborative process

Trust through Projects 

Our success stories 

"Plant structure planning serves as the link between corporate objectives and the value creation level. Particularly in historically evolved structures, it is crucial to establish the strategic framework for plant development at an early stage."

Peter Surholt // Manager Factory Planning 

To reference
Master Planning
General Planning, Factory Planning

Future-Oriented Site Development for the Production of Hygiene Solutions

Factory and Facility Planning for the Strategic Site Development of a Provider of Hygiene Solutions.

To reference
Future-Oriented Site Development for the Production of Hygiene Solutions
Functional and structural perspective 

It is recommended that expertise from both factory planning and industrial construction be brought together from the outset of master planning. As a result, variants are developed at this early planning stage, with the fundamental feasibility of both the functional and structural aspects assured. A team comprising project managers, factory planners, architects and civil engineers conducts an initial assessment of the site and an analysis of the existing building structure at the project's outset. At the same time, the future scenario is honed on the basis of forecasts and targeted changes. Finally, the two strands are brought together and different work structure variants are developed.

Fixed points and restictions at the location 

While each location has its own distinctive characteristics, it is rare to find an environment that is completely free of limitations. The scope of master planning is influenced by a number of factors, which can be attributed to a variety of circumstances. In this context, property characteristics can restrict the degree of planning freedom available. Similarly, equipment with high implications for the building structure may not represent an adequate cost-benefit ratio for relocation. Furthermore, environmental conditions, such as the presence of flood plains or nature conservation areas in the immediate vicinity, can also limit the degree of planning freedom. It is crucial to define these planning parameters at the outset of the project in order to develop realistic scenarios going forward.

Space supply at the location 

In order to ascertain the potential for future space supply, it is often beneficial to conduct an initial analysis of the current space situation. It is often the case that established structures offer the potential for optimizing the degree of land use, particularly in the context of existing constellations. As a result, reorganizational measures can help to increase the potential for space without the need for structural interventions. However, the structural conditions at the site provide a clear framework for determining the feasibility of potential extensions or conversions. By combining our analysis of fixed points and restrictions, as well as adjustments to the actual space configuration, we can derive the potential for space at your location and determine the maximum scope for planning.


From the current situation to future space supply

Analyze space requirements and develop site structure variants 

The space requirement is a quantification of the future site vision, expressed in terms relevant to factory planning. The result is a space requirements program that demonstrates the space requirements based on defined structuring features and their development over the specified period.

We apply our expertise in factory structure design to develop a range of innovative variants and collaborate with end-users to create customized space concepts through interactive workshops. At this point, it can be helpful to specify a defined number of described scenarios in advance in order to subsequently design them in a targeted manner.

Visual location vision

The preliminary work, based on data and carried out in a concrete, detailed manner, can be made more appealing with the help of visualizations. 3D renderings and the creation of videos are invaluable tools for visualizing the end result. This tool is a crucial element for master planning, as it allows us to demonstrate the implications of planning for structures that have often evolved over time in a low-threshold manner.

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Personnel and material flows and cross-building transports

In addition to the space-orientated perspective, the flow of movement at the site represents a further dimension that is sometimes affected by a realignment of the site structure. It is of the utmost importance to ensure efficient and safe traffic routing on the factory premises. It is essential to align material and personnel flows in order to prevent accidents involving people and damage to materials. 

The challenge of managing production sites with highly frequent inbound and outbound flows represents a significant area of difficulty within this field of activity. Furthermore, it is essential to have well-defined structures and appropriate guidance systems in place for peak times, such as shift changes or concentrated slots for material delivery.

Ressource-oriented master planning

The pursuit of greater sustainability at a production site is not an isolated activity. Rather, it must be integrated into the site's overall strategic alignment, in a manner consistent with the conventional disciplines of master planning. It is important to consider the existing environmental conditions when designing the energy mix, as they have a significant influence on the process. It is not sufficient to assess the required supply needs in relation to the current status quo; instead, they must be projected onto the future scenario in the same way as the space requirements. The objective of progressively utilizing renewable energy sources necessitates the implementation of suitable storage solutions to decouple the time of energy generation from that of energy utilization. These decisions have a direct impact on space requirements and must therefore be urgently taken into account as part of the strategic alignment.

Economic efficiency analysis and templates for facilitating desicion-making processes

In order to be able to produce a reliable template for facilitating decision-making processes for strategic location development with the help of master planning, all deliverables must be operationalized conclusively. It is therefore vital to ascertain the investment volume, one-off costs and operating cost implications associated with the variants without delay.

In the template, we therefore combine the quantitative criteria with other qualitative criteria. The importance of the latter should not be underestimated. By evaluating the level of risk, the anticipated implementation period, and the complexity of implementation, economically viable options are sometimes excluded from consideration. In this context, it is essential to consider the overall construct of all available circumstances when formulating the final decision proposal.  

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