Electronics & Life science
Electronics & Life science
Electronics & Life science
Electronics & Life scienceRetail / Fashion / eCommerce
Retail / Fashion / eCommerce
Retail / Fashion / eCommerce
Retail / Fashion / eCommerceIndustry 4.0 / Digitisation supply chain
Industry 4.0 / Digitisation supply chain
Industry 4.0 / Digitisation supply chain
Industry 4.0 / Digitisation supply chainDistribution & network studies
Distribution &
Distribution &
Distribution & network studies
Distribution &
network studies
Distribution &
network studies
Distribution & network studiesWarehouse and material flow concept
Warehouse &
Warehouse &
Warehouse and material flow concept
Warehouse &
material flow concept
Warehouse &
material flow concept
Warehouse and material flow conceptWarehouse optimisation and modernisation
Warehouse optimisation
Warehouse optimisation
Warehouse optimisation and modernisation
Warehouse optimisation
& modernisation
Warehouse optimisation
& modernisation
Warehouse optimisation and modernisationLocation analysis & selection
Location analysis &
Location analysis &
Location analysis & selection
Location analysis &
Location analysis &
Location analysis & selectionProcess/ purchasing optimisation
Process/ purchasing optimisation
That's what our customers say
Oliver Sowa, board member of Beutlhauser Group
"Metroplan advised us wisely and purposefully in all phases of this project."
"The project objectives were met both in terms of content and time."
"Metroplan's employees know the processes in our industry very well - this has always contributed to a quick problem solving."
Paul Frenzreb, Co-Founder and Managing Director of Paul Valentine GmbH
"Metroplan advised us prudently and expediently in all phases of this delicate project - despite our many risks, we always felt very safe."
"Real experts for the purchase of logistics services
Mikel Adebahr, Project Manager STILL GmbH
"Metroplan has shown us ways to not only catch up with our competitors, but also to overtake them. The company is very familiar with the supply chain digitization market. "
Norbert Nagl, Director Group Logistics BRITA GmbH
"Metroplan not only gave us good advice at the strategic level, but also brought many operational improvements to the project work."
"Real Experts for the Purchase of Logistics Services"
"Metroplan ensured that the project was completed on time and within budget, despite the great complexity. The results helped to develop quick wins and also to initiate fundamental strategic changes. Metroplan made sure that the project team did not get lost in the numerous details of the project, but always keeps an eye on the holistic strategic task"