Planning of a new logistics centre


Retail / Fashion / eCommerce

Company size

170 employees

Project duration

3 years + 6 months


20,000 m²



In the logistics centre, returns are processed, stored and commissioned based on customer orders for sale in the company's own outlet stores or to third-party users. The site also handles the second-hand business.


 Planning as well as tendering and awarding of the conveyor and storage technology and the WMS for the new location.

  • Concept development and general planning of material flow and storage technology
  • Developing processes and essential strategies
  • Preparation of process and system calculations
  • Tendering and awarding of the material handling technology and the WMS
  • Carrying out the tendering process using the Metroplan guided engineering approach
  • Realisation support
  • Conception and carrying out of the test and ramp-up procedures
  • Acceptance support
  • Support during the first weeks of operation