Industry 4.0 | Quick check


Electronics & Life science

Company size

about 33,300 employees

Project duration

3 weeks



Our customer is a global leader in optical and digital precision technology. In Northern Germany is the centre of development and production for diagnostic and therapeutic solutions.


Performing a compact analysis (quick check) to determine the potential of new methods and technologies in the context of industry 4.0; Preparation of the results and designing an implementation roadmap.

  • Preliminary planning of the quick check together in close cooperation with customer to define the subject (production processes or production areas) of the study
  • Conducting an one-day workshop mainly consisting of intensive analysis of the processes on the shop floor, analysis of the plant malfunction logs and product fault lists as well as the execution of 4 structured interviews
  • Analysis was organized in the dimensions of assistance systems, automation in manufacturing processes, data processing and integration
  • Quantitative evaluation of potentials solutions and description of the approaches (methods and techniques)